Christmas morning was wonderful! Paul and I finally woke the babies up at 7:30 b/c we couldn't wait any longer! The look in their eyes when they saw all the toys by the tree was priceless! Both of us (well mostly me) had tears in our eyes watching the excitement and endless squeals! Dad came over to join us for a huge breakfast afterwards, and the kids got to show off all their new toys. We headed to the cemetery around lunch to wish my sister Merry Christmas in which more tears were shed. Now going through all these pictures for the first time since Christmas makes me realize again how much I miss her, the first Christmas without any pictures of her.
Our good family friends Tammy and Allen came by after lunch, and Greg and his family came in shortly after, in which more squeals and much wildness began! Overall it was a great Christmas with lots of memories made.
Kiley spent most of the time on Hadden's lap wanting to open all her presents right by him! He didn't seem to mind, showing her how all the toys worked!
Bribery- the kids had to sit still for a picture before any presents could be opened. It worked!
Cason's newest thing-finding things to climb on to turn the lights off and on! He has tried stools, boxes, blocks, decorative trunks, riding cars, baskets, and about anything he things we can stand on to help him reach! It is so funny! Of course Kiley has to copy but it not near an interested in lights as Cason. We think we might be an electrician!
Waiting patiently for daddy to put her 2nd stroller together. The strollers were the biggest hit for sure! The both push them around the house constantly.
Showing off the toys to Papa after breakfast.
Notice he has 3 suckers open that were in his stocking...only on Christmas!
Kiley was really into feeding her baby dolls their bottles, until she noticed Cason had candy!
Our good family friends Tammy and Allen came by after lunch, and Greg and his family came in shortly after, in which more squeals and much wildness began! Overall it was a great Christmas with lots of memories made.
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