Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb 5th

We had a small memorial service for Kelsey on Friday, Feb 5th. After raining the last several days, I prayed all am that the rain would end so we could have the service. An hour before, God answered my prayer! It was windy and chilly, but no rain! We all gathered at her grave site and listened to pastor's sermon about how after loosing a loved one, life can still be good. It was a great message and we all had tears in our eyes to follow trying to get through a few other poems followed by a balloon launch. The kids tied messages to the balloons, and Hadden got very upset when his balloon got stuck in the tree, thinking Kelsey would not get his message. We all headed to Jay Alexander's to eat an early dinner, Kelsey's favorite spot, and enjoyed more story telling and lots of wine drinking! It was so good to have Kesley's two best friends Rachel and Tiffany join us, and I know they will always be a special part of our family. We hope to do this every year.

The next morning, Hadden wrote a note and read it all to us saying "I know Kelsey did die and I miss her everyday. I love her very much but life can still be good." Amazing!

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